About Ain Vares

"Art that changes lives is the intersection of inspiration and skills in love."
Ain Vares
About Ain Vares
Ain Vares, a seasoned artist with over 30 years of experience, is renowned for his spiritually infused artworks, which are found in private collections worldwide. His creations explore the connection between the earthly and the spiritual, nurturing spiritual growth and providing a fresh perspective on our spiritual surroundings.
Ain, an Estonian artist, discovered his passion for art at a young age, inspired by his painter father. Naturally, he pursued formal art education, culminating in his first solo exhibition in the same year he completed art school. While his early focus was on landscapes and portraits, a profound shift in 1993 led him toward spiritual themes.
Throughout his career, Ain has exhibited widely, taught painting and drawing, and frequently participated in live painting events.
Today, in addition to his painting, he contributes to the field of graphic design and serves as a curator for a local congregation’s art gallery.

Christ called each one of us to serve and love one another. Serving one another is adding value to each other’s life and world. My paintings encourage us to seek more of our Creator, refresh our spiritual sense, and revive our imagination.
Artist Statement
As an Estonian artist, my work is primarily known for its figurative nature, enriched with profound spiritual depth. Through my paintings, I endeavor to capture earthly and spiritual dimensions' intricate and harmonious coexistence within our reality. These artworks serve as invitations to viewers, encouraging them to embark on a journey to uncover the hidden spiritual treasures beneath the surface of our everyday lives.
My creative process is deeply influenced by timeless and eternal themes that have captivated humanity throughout history. In particular, my paintings delve into the profound relationship between the creator and creation. This exploration allows me to convey the essence of our existence and the spiritual interconnectedness that binds us all.
My ultimate goal as an artist is to enhance spirituality in our materialistic society, refresh individuals' spiritual growth, revive their imagination, and foster self-discovery and purpose through my art.
Art should stir the viewer's spirit. If I experience it myself when creating a painting, the viewer experiences it too.

"Whoever seeks with all their heart will find."
My Testimony
Thanks to my believing grandma I've known that there is a God all my life. I sang spiritual hymns when I was ten. My friends thought I was crazy. But if you don't hold on to these things the spiritual understanding will disappear. Now I see that sometimes a person must fall very low to truly be broken before God and to give Him leadership in their life.
Years went by and I strayed away from God. In 1987, after serving in the army, I decided to start a new life. But as time went by I fell deeper and deeper into the world and sin. Hoping that alcohol would help me forget, I started to drink more and more. As I fell more into this endless swamp, despair started to grow and the result was more alcohol. To come out of that self-destructive trap I cried out to God: "If it is only possible, pull me out of this!"
In 1990 I purchased a Bible. I started to read it between the drinking and parties. But when my health got better I continued in the old way. Among friends, I started to speak more and more about what I had read, but they said to me I must first live the life I talk about and then I can preach it to them. Later I understood that God was preparing my heart during this time. Despair was growing, and I didn't want to live the old way, yet I didn't know how to live in a new way. During that time I got two revelations: I understood that to continue in the old way means to die and secondly, I felt there is power in the name of Jesus!
In 1993 I turned to God and said: "I have no idea what church I need to go to, so please lead me to the right people and I will go with them and give my life to You!" God heard that prayer and I met some youth who preached the Gospel in the streets and they invited me to some evangelistic meetings. That was something I'd been waiting for. At the end of the service, they invited people to come and give their lives to Jesus. I knew in my heart that if I didn't go right then I would never go. It was one of the hardest steps in my life! My heart said "yes", but mind said "no" - don't be a fool, maybe nothing would happen. Thank God something did happen. When I got out of the service I was a completely new person. In a moment a tremendous burden had lifted. I was completely free from my sins, and a wonderful peace and joy came into my heart. Even though nothing had changed on the outside I was completely new on the inside, thank God!
People who have gone through the new birth, hate the old sinful life and they desire to live for God. Our heart (spirit) becomes new instantly but our soul (intellect, feelings, emotions) will change step by step by being in the Word of God and in fellowship with Him. This process will last all our life.
My life started to get better very fast. I praise God that my heart became new and also outward situations started to change for better; family problems and material needs.
Since 1993 I have painted Christian-themed art. It is the best thing for me. I can spend time in the Word of God and at the same time put on canvas or paper what God has revealed to me.
The meaning of a Christian life is not to serve Him for personal gain, but to live God's life and to become more like Christ so that we could receive from God what he has prepared for us even before we were born. This is a process of continual changing and growing and it will continue by the grace of God. Only this kind of life will truly satisfy us.
What you have today and who you are today is a result of what you have believed in the past.
The purpose of a human being is to bring glory to God with all their life.
If you have become a child of God then whatever work God has called you to do, He wants you to do it wholeheartedly and it will bring glory to His name. I believe that God has called me to proclaim His Word through art. I believe that these paintings will touch the hearts of many people. God's Word says that His Word will not return empty to Him but will complete the good work that it is sent to do. And I believe that this is true about the painted Word also.
"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12
God has wonderful plans for all of our lives. These plans can be completed only when we give our lives to His leading. He desires that we would live this life He has prepared for us. Maybe you are asking what must I do to have my life right with God. If you have a true desire in your heart to be free from your sins, to live a successful, blessed life and to live forever, then just pray this prayer in faith and God will answer you:
Dear Heavenly Father! I come to you in the name of Jesus and You will not push me away because it is written in the Bible:
"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."
I believe in my heart, that Jesus is Your Son. I believe that He bore my sins on the cross so that I could be right with God. Jesus is Lord! Jesus, please come into my heart! Forgive my sins! Teach me how to walk in Your ways! Save me! Thank you, God, for eternal life! Amen.
God says: "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9
So I encourage you, if you seek with a sincere heart God will answer you every time.
God Bless You!
Ain Vares

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