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Publications +Press
- Anglican Life magazine, work "“He is risen. He is not here" on the front cover, April-May 2017
- The Upper Room magazine, featured work "Savior is Born" on the front cover, November-December 2017
- Magazine Pluss, Estonia 4/2014
- Featured Painting on "CIVA" network, 2014
- Magazine "Initiales", France, June 2014
- Magazine NÄKY, Finland 2013
- Book "Turn My Mourning into Dancing" cover picture, Ukraine 2013
- Estonian Evangelical Alliance 40 days of fasting Booklet, 2012
- Magazine Pluss, Estonia 2012
- Magazine Go! Sign, cover picture, UK 2012
- Avery Hill Christian Fellowship Christmas Booklet, UK
- Lifelong Faith Magazine, cover picture, US 2010
- Estniska Dagbladet, Sweden 2010
- Magazine „Cesty katecheze“ Czech Republic 2009
- Book "Philosophy through Christianity", UK 2009
- Textbook "Wegen Naar Wijsheid" Netherlands, 2008
- Book "Ce Dieu si Merveilleux" France 2006
- Milwaukee Choristers, CD cover, USA 2006
- St. Lukes Episcopal Church Christmas Eve brochure, 2005
- The Catholic Woman's League of Canada Convention Booklet, 2005
- Magazine "Kodukirik" front cover picture, Estonia 2006
- Magazine "Window", Bulgaria 2005
- Magazine "Kodukirik" front cover picture, Estonia 2005
- Mission Committee Brentwood Presbyterian Church "The Angel Store" catalogue cover, 2004
- Dr. Ron Kenoly CD and DVD cover, USA 2004
- Catholic church community anniversary book cover picture, 2004
- Magazine "Karmel" front cover picture, Estonia 2. 2004
- Magazine "Karmel" front cover picture, Estonia 1. 2004
- Magazine "Karmel" front cover picture, Estonia 2003
- Magazine Malachi, front cover picture, USA 2003
- Newspaper "Pärnu postimees", Estonia 2002
- Newspaper "Valgamaalane", Estonia 2000
- EELC Magazine "Pühapäev" Estonia 1999
- Newspaper "Meie Maa", Estonia 7.1.1999
- Newspaper "Oma saar", Estonia 9.1.1999
- Newspaper "Hämeen Sanomat", Finland 3.3.1998
- Newspaper "Riihimäen Sanomat", Finland 4.3.1998
- Newspaper "Kotukulma", Finland 4.3.1998
- Newspaper "Meie Maa", Estonia 28.5.1998
- Magazine "Valgus", cover picture, Estonia 1997
- Newspaper "Oma saar", Estonia 9.2.1996